
Welcome to Catholic Women & Couples NFP
1 Flesh

Our 1FLESH program

“1 Flesh” is the foundational phase of Natural Family Planning (NFP) education, designed to help couples and individuals understand why the Catholic Church upholds NFP as the morally, spiritually, and relationally sound approach to family planning. This program provides a deep dive into the Church’s teachings on marriage, sexuality, and the sanctity of life, equipping participants with a clear understanding of the theological and philosophical foundations of NFP before they move on to its practical applications.

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Our Natural Family Planning Program

After completing 1 FLESH, participants can move to learning the how of Natural Family Planning. This phase provides practical instruction on various NFP methods, including fertility awareness, cycle tracking, and discernment of fertile and infertile periods. Guided by Catholic principles and scientific understanding, couples gain the knowledge and skills to practice NFP effectively in their marriage.

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Who We Are

Catholic Women & Couples NFP [CWCNFP] is a lay-Catholic organization which teaches, without charge, Fertility Awareness and Natural Family Planning [NFP] to Adult Catholic Women  and Catholic Couples . Adult Catholic Women must be 18 or older. For Catholic Couples, either the man or the woman [or both] must be Catholic or registered in an RCIA program

To Our Non-Catholic Friends

We regret that we are not able to offer our “no-cost” NFP training programs to others. However, if you have health insurance, you may be eligible for the teaching of the efficacy, risks and side-effects of contraceptives and the Fertility Awareness alternatives by MyCatholicDoctor with no CO-PAY. We suggest you contact mycatholicdoctor.com. You are also invited to use information in our website. We also recommend that you inquire of any of the many organizations offering NFP training. They are usually quite good and their prices are modest.